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Cricket Club

Church of the Assumption cricket club (CACC) with St Francis and St Thomas More.
Parishioners of the Assumption, Beeston, St Thomas More's, Wollaton and St John's, Stapleford formed the team known as CACC (Church of the Assumption Cricket Club) in 1989. The club is for parishioners of Wollaton, Long Eaton and Beeston, their friends and family and, generally, those who enjoy cricket and non denominational.
The club is open to anyone willing to have a go, must be 14yrs minimum. Ages range from 14 to some over 60's. Skills range from very little to top class players. We have indoor nets in the winter and we play weekly matches in the season, all friendlies, no league games. Members play in as few or as many as they wish.
For more information contact us through our Facebook page, on our play cricket page or by email at