

Thinking about Confirmation? Dates for the next programme leading to Confirmation in 2014 will appear in the newsletter. Please Note: Candidates have to be in Year 9 or above in September before Confirmation.

A Word about Sponsors: If you want to be confirmed, you could be thinking about whom you will invite to be your Sponsor. Your Sponsor has the task of walking beside you along your Faith journey. There will be ceremonies along the way, and you will need to invite your Sponsor to come along with you.

So as you can see, being a Sponsor really is quite a responsibility as well as a privilege. Some people choose to invite a Baptismal Godparent, others choose a Church member whom they respect and like. It is a good idea to choose someone from outside your immediate family. The Church does make one specific demand... your Sponsor must be a confirmed and practising Catholic.

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