

If you are considering requesting the Sacrament of Baptism for your child, or for yourself, please speak to the Parish Priest.

Preparation courses will be provided at times throughout the year - please keep an eye on the newsletter and the diary pages. The Baptism course dates for 2014 are 19 January, 18 May and 21 September 3.00-5.00pm and they are run by Fr Robbie in the Presbytery. Couples who have not had a child baptised before will be expected to attend one of these sessions. Parents or expectant parents wishing their child to be baptised are asked to speak to Fr Robbie after Mass and complete and return to the Office a Baptism Application Form.

Joint Baptisms will take place on the second Sunday of each month starting from January 2014.

Fr Robbie expects all families preparing for Baptism to attend Mass on a regular basis.

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