Welcome Team

Welcome Team

The smiling face and cheery greeting at the door may be the reason why you have come back to The Assumption.

Our Welcomers are worth their weight in gold. They stand at the back of Church and like a stage manager in a theatre, see that everything runs smoothly whilst discreetly staying in the background.

If there is to be singing at Mass, they will give you a hymn book or sheet as you enter. They can help you to find a seat when the Church seems full, they ensure the Offertory Procession proceeds without a hitch, they take up the collections and do so much more...

They are founts of knowledge - if they don't know the answer, they know someone who does! They can usually point you in the direction of someone involved in the group you are interested in joining. They are useful people to get to know!

We make sure a pair of welcomers is in attendance at each Sunday Mass. If you would like to join the welcoming teams, speak to one of them - they will tell you all you need to know.

Download the guidelines for welcomers. (MS Word, 21kb)

Current rota for Sunday morning Mass (MS Excel, 22kb)

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