Altar ServersEucharistic Ministers
Music Group
Choir and Organist
Sacristy Team
Welcome Team
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RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Parish Finance CouncilCashiers
Bazaar Committee
Apostolic Fund Committee
MISSIO APF Mill Hill Fathers
Faith in Families
Planned Giving and Gift Aid
Fair Trade
Rosary GroupEucharistic Adoration Group
Five First Saturdays
Day with Mary
Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Choir and Organist

We are a group of amateur singers (plus an organist) who enjoy singing the more traditional 'choir and organ' hymns and anthems at Mass. Music is chosen to reflect the theme of the week's Mass as much as possible. The group is mixed ability; some members are able to sight-read music, others aren't, but all are welcome!
We sing at Mass on alternate weeks, usually the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. We also usually cover the 5th Sunday if there is a 5-week month. We liaise with the Music Group to ensure that Sundays and major feasts (e.g. the Christmas and Easter periods) are covered.
Practice times
Tuesdays, 7.30pm in the church choir loft.
Funerals and weddings
Our organist is available by prior arrangement to play for funerals and weddings, if required. Please contact him via the Parish Office to arrange details, giving as much notice as possible.